27th International School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications

Program of the International School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics and its Master Class 2024

In 2024, the 27th International School on 'Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications' (2024-10-05 - 2024-10-11) and its Master Class 'Plasmas, liquids, and nanomaterials' (2024-10-11 - 2024-10-12) is planned to take place at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Germany).

Program of the School

We are looking forward to it because, once again, we are putting together a very promising program, with the support of many colleagues who are willing to give a talk at the School.

17:00 Arrival/registration
18:00 Dinner

08:00 Breakfast
08:45 Welcome and introduction (plot of the school, information)
Marc Böke & Marina Prenzel / Rony Snyders & Stephanos Konstatinidis (Ruhr-University Bochum & UMons, Belgium)
09:00 Introduction I: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics
Achim von Keudell (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Introduction II: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics
Achim von Keudell (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Plasma Modeling I: Modeling of plasmas
Annemie Bogaerts (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Plasma sources I: Micro-wave plasmas
Ante Hecimovic (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany)
17:00 Forum with teachers
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Evening lecture: History of plasma physics
Holger Kersten (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany)

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Plasma modelling II: Electron kinetics in atomic and molecular plasmas
Luís L. Alves (Lisbon Technical University, Portugal)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Plasma modelling III: Fluid modelling of discharge plasmas
Luís L. Alves (Lisbon Technical University, Portugal)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Plasma diagnostics I: Basics of plasma spectroscopy
Sylvain Iséni (GREMI Orléans, France)
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Plasma sources II: High pressure thermal plasmas and sources
Tony Murphy (CSIRO, Australia)
17:00 Forum with teachers
18:30 School Dinner

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Plasma diagnostics II: Measuring electron density and ion flux
Jean-Paul Booth (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Plasma diagnostics III: Advanced optical diagnostics
Richard Engeln (ASML, The Netherlands)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Modelling: Hands on a Boltzmann solver
Luís L. Alves & Antonio Tejero del Caz (University of Lisbon, Portugal & University of Cordoba, Spain)
14:00 Experimental Workshop II: ‘Spectroscopic instruments and their application’
Sylvain Iséni (GREMI Orléans, France)
14:00 Experimental Workshop I: ‘Basics of laser absorption spectrocopy’
Olivier Guiatella (École Polytechnique, France)
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Evening lecture: Scientific Integrity
Marc Böke & Marina Prenzel / Rony Snyders & Stephanos Konstatinidis (Ruhr-University Bochum & UMons, Belgium)

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Plasma sources III: High density magnetized plasma sources
Diederik Depla (Ghent University, Belgium)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Plasma sources IV: Dielectric Barrier Discharges
Olivier Guiatella (École Polytechnique, France)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Plasma technologies I: Material processing
Stephanos Konstantinidis (University of Mons, Belgium)
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Plasma technologies II: Plasma chemistry for bio
Nevena Puač (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia)
17:00 Forum with teachers
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Poster session

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Plasma diagnostics IV: Plasma-Surface Interactions
Jan Benedikt (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Plasma technologies III: Development at high pressure and in liquids
Peter Bruggeman (University of Minnesota, USA)
19:00 Dinner

Program of the Master Class on Plasmas, liquids, and nanomaterials

Regular lectures have duration of ~1.15h + 15min for final extended discussion

08:00 Breakfast
08:45 Welcome and introduction
Rony Snyders & Stephanos Konstantinidis (University of Mons, Belgium)
09:00 Sputtering onto liquids for nanoparticles synthesis and beyond
Stephanos Konstantinidis (University of Mons, Belgium)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Parameters inlfuencing NP growth
Clio Azina (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
13:15 Lunch
13:30 Sputtering onto liquids in a reactive plasma
Angélique Bousquet (Clermont Auvergne University, France)
15:00 Master class poster session & coffee and bicuits
16:30 Combinatorial deposition onto liquids substrates
Alfred Ludwig (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
19:00 Dinner

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 SoL for producing catalytic nanoparticles
Amaël Caillard (University of Orléans / CNRS, France)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Combining Gas Aggregation Source and liquid substrates
Rony Snyders & Stephanos Konstantinidis (University of Mons, Belgium)
12:30 Lunch