27th International School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications

International School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications

The goal of the week-long course is to introduce participants to the current state of the art in low-temperature plasma physics. It is assumed that the students have followed introductory physics courses at their home university. The course is planned to be held at the Physics Center Bad Honnef, where participants and teachers live under one roof. Lectures have been held here and a lively exchange among each other is also given.

However, the basic principles will be summarized at the beginning of the course. The course offers a broadening of knowledge in plasma physics and in the interaction of plasmas with surfaces including a description of advanced diagnostics. In addition, the students will be able to interact with the teachers of the course and they will meet fellow students from other universities in Europe and the rest of the world. Participants are invited to bring with them presentation material in form of posters. 

We are looking forward to the 27th International Plasma School on "Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications" (October 05 - October 10, 2024) and its Master Class “Plasmas, liquids, and nanomaterials” (October 11 - October 12, 2024). 

The school provides an introduction to the fundamentals of plasma physics and gives an overview of the different research areas ranging from modeling of fluids to plasma spectroscopy or high pressure plasmas. An intensive exchange with the lecturers and other students from the research area is possible and desired. The School is intended for first-year doctoral students or final-year master's students, whereas during the Master Class the hot topic of “Plasmas, liquids, and nanomaterials” will be discussed up to the level of forefront research.