27th International School on Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications

Well-known experts...

in the field will present lectures in the following areas:

  • fundamentals of plasma physics,
  • plasma sources,
  • thermal and low pressure plasmas,
  • atomic processes,
  • electron kinetics,
  • diagnostics and plasma spectroscopy,
  • modeling,
  • plasma-surface interactions,...

Key Highlights

  1. Comprehensive Learning: Engage in a dynamic curriculum that covers the fundamentals of low temperature plasma physics, giving participants a solid foundation.
  2. Renowned Experts: Learn from the luminaries in the field through lectures, workshops, and hands-on experiments.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, researchers, and experts, fostering collaborations that can drive groundbreaking discoveries.
  4. Career Development: Gain insights into the latest advancements and career opportunities in plasma physics.
  5. Practical Experience: Participate in lab sessions and demonstrations that provide hands-on experience in low temperature plasma physics.
  6. Spectacular Location: possible venue Bad Honnef's natural beauty and historic charm offer a unique backdrop for scientific exploration and relaxation.